Monday, March 23, 2009

Giant Statement March 23rd

Once upon a time, there were four people. Their names were Everybody, Somebody, Nobody and Anybody. Whenever there was an important job to be done, Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it. But Nobody did it.
When Nobody did it, Everybody got angry because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought that Somebody would do it, but Nobody realized that Nobody would do it. So, consequently Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done in the first place.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Giant Statement March 12th

Half of the failures in life arise from pulling in one's horse as he is leaping. Julius Hare

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Giant Statement March 10th

We are responsible for actions performed in response to circumstances for which we are not responsible. –Allan Massie

Monday, March 9, 2009

Focus March 9th

Focus 82BGR8 Boldness - Giving emphasis to what you are doing makes your brain pay attention to it. I have students, who by stomping their foot and speaking louder, in a particular exercise, learned faster and better. Their brain would not pay attention to the activity when they were not giving the exercise enough energy.
Laser vs. Flashlight - Both lasers and flashlights are lights. Flashlights are great for what they do but they spread the light. Their light doesn't go very far. Lasers on the other hand stick to a narrow focus and they touch the stars. With the focused light of a laser we can perform surgery.
Life is what it is and distractions come up. Keep your razor sharp laser focus and the distractions can be handled without losing the main focus.
By harnessing a small amount of sunlight a fire can be started. Just take your magnifying glass and focus the light to a small point and it is hot enough to start a fire. Take the energy you have to comlete a task and focus it down so the task gets completed faster, easier and better.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Giant Statement March 4th

The great composer does not set to work because he is inspired but he becomes inspired because he is working. Beethoven, Wagner, Bach, Mozart settled down day after day to the job at hand with as much regularity as an accountant settles down each day to his figures.
Ernest Newman, English Music Critic

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Giant Statements March 3rd

Nothing is more important than passion. . . Whatever you decide to do in life, just be passionate about it. --Jon Bon Jovi, singer/songwriter

Passion is huge. I think being irrationally passionate is extremely healthy. Gravitate towards the things you love. Sandra Yingling, psychologist

Monday, March 2, 2009

Syllabus daily schedule March 2009

Psych 101 4X4
March 2nd
-syllabus/ expectations
-research paper due at end
-Passion 82BGR8-Pyramid of success
-Giant statements -“If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the backs of giants.” --Newton
- Orientation
Homework - color code
March 3rd
-Color Code Personality Profile
-Multiple intelligences
-Homework – learning styles quiz go online
-Student Search
-tip of the day
-Passion 82BGR8
-homework: ME presentation
-Ben Stein Article

March 4th
-giant statement
-212 degree video
-student advising forms
-Learning Styles
-Color Code quiz
-Brain Integration dual code hypothesis
-Work 82BGR8

March 5th
-giant statement
-Interviews with SHC Director
-Movie – Finding Forrester
-tip of the day
-Homework: Essay -My commitment to my education and how do I keep it.
-Work 82BGR8
March 9th
-giant statement
-quiz movie
-group assignments for project presentation
-Listening /note taking
-Tip of the day
-Focus 82BGR8
March 10th
-giant statement
--speaking, writing & presentation
Test taking
-desert survival group project
-EFT for test anxiety, “remember”, deep breathing, affirmations
-Focus 82BGR8
March 11th
-giant statement
-ME presentations
-review for midterm
- quiz
-Push 82BGR8
March 12th
-giant statement
- turn in topic for group presentation
-Push 82BGR8
March 16th
-giant statement
-Active Reading and Learning
-group dynamics
-Ideas 82BGR8
March 17th
-Motivation and Management: Theory X/Y, etc.
- Time Management
-Ideas 82BGR8
March 18th
-giant statement
-Conflict resolution SODAS
-Improve 82BGR8
March 19th
-giant statement
-APA Style
-Improve 82BGR8
March 23rd
-giant statement
- research papers due
-Interpersonal communication
-Serve 82BGR8
March 24th
-giant statement
-Stress Management
-quiz: communication
-Serve 82BGR8
March 25th
-giant statement
-group presentations
-Review for final
-Persist 82BGR8
March 26th
-group presentations
-Persist 82BGR8

Evening Psych 101 4X4
March 2nd
-Go over syllabus/ expectations
-research paper due at end
-Pyramid of success
-Giant statements - “If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the backs of giants.” --Newton
-tip of the day Boldness
-Color Code PP
-Learning Styles and Brain Dominance PP
-Multiple intelligence survey
-tip of the day – do it – control negative feelings
-Passion – use color code and learning style to free up and accept your passions
March 4th
-giant statements posted on line
-Interviews with Director
-Movie – Finding Forrester
- Orientation
-orientation quiz
-Work 82BGR8
-Color Code quiz
-tip of the day Why Me?
-Homework: Education Essay
-give out student advising forms
-Brain Integration dual code hypothesis
-Learning Styles Quiz
-212 degree video
-homework: ME presentation
March 9th
-giant statement posted online
-assign groups for project give time to meet
-Listening /note taking P
-movie quiz
-Focus 82BGR8
-quiz learning style brain dominance
-Test taking PP
-review for midterm
-giant statement
-speaking, writing & presentation PP
-quiz Finding Forrester
-quiz: listening & note taking
March 11th
-giant statement posted online
-ME presentations
-Push 82BGR8
-evaluations PP
-turn in topic for group presentation
-giant statement
-quiz: test taking
-EFT for test anxiety, “remember”, deep breathing, affirmations
March 16th
-giant statement posted online
-Active Reading and Learning
- Time Management PP
-group dynamics lecture
-Ideas 82BGR8
March 18th
-giant statement posted online
--Theories of Motivation: Theory X/Y, etc.Conflict resolution SODAS PP
-quiz: ME presentations
-APA style
-Improve 82BGR8
March 23rd
-giant statement posted online
-Interpersonal communication PP Mike
- research papers due
-giant statement
-quiz APA style
-Review for final
March 25th
-group presentations
-group presentations